New Year, New York


Hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s Eve. Whether you welcomed the year with friends, family, or with some tipsy strangers– I hope your 2014 proves to be the best yet! By that I mean, I hope this year is full of inspiration and innovation. Trust yourself to take that adventure, push your boundaries, love the person you’ve grown into. Much better than starting that no-carb diet, right?

Throw out your ridiculous resolutions. It’ll be ok, I promise. This first post of the year is dedicated to the most iconic New Year’s Eve city… New York, NEW YORK. I wanted to showcase this magical time of year as well as pair that with a dessert that I feel best represents N.Y.C.! I’m so incredibly grateful for all of you and for the constant challenge and growth this blog continues brings to me. Cheers to 2014 and here’s to another year!

{pretzel at Tiffany's}

{pretzel at Tiffany’s}

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